Sometimes you wish you did have a key on your keyboard that really did summon help!
We provide help with your computer at home or at work. We come out and see you and solve the problem on site, as often with broadband, network and wireless problems this is the only option.
We can provide ongoing technical support so that you never feel left in the lurch with your computer.
We provide help and advice on buying new computers and will even go with you to the shop to make sure you get what you need and pushy salesmen do not sell you unnecessary extended warranties and support packages.
The sort of problems we can solve are:
- Setting up new computers
- Installing hardware and software
- Getting connected to e-mail and the internet
- Slow computers
- Virus problems
- Spyware problems
- Wireless network setup
- Wireless dead spot elimination
- CAT5E and CAT6 Network Cable networks
- Broadband setup
- Data recovery from crashed computers
We appreciate how important wireless networks are now for iPads, tablets, laptops, mobile phones and connected TV and so can help get your entire home or office covered by WiFi. We can fix deadspots, overcome thick walls, extend networks into separate buildings and provide public WiFi. We endeavour to find the most cost effective solution for your needs.